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Concrete Magazine 20

Concrete MagazineAUD $59.95

408 pages
Size: A4 (297mm x 210mm)
Text: Polish, English
Full colour

Only 1 In Stock


Welcome to the twentieth, jubilee issue of Concrete Magazine from Poland.

It’s thick this time, over 400 pages of concrete stuff. In this issue we present the history of our magazine. There are some reminiscences and titbits of nineteen years of our activity. We have also two interviews for you. The first is with an international team of ‘Sevens’, and the second with a podlasie-based writer by the name of Xtra/Street. There are also two road trip texts to read. One from TFK/TPHK and their conquests in Central Asia, and another describing the first hit on Bangladesh subway. All this in between pages of reports from around the Eastern block and beyond.

Additional information

Weight 1510 g
Dimensions 297 × 210 × 22 mm

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