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Triss: Bad Style Teacher

AUD $149.95

184 pages
Size: 350mm x 270mm

Only 1 In Stock

SKU: UMEMB100 Categories: , , , Tags: ,


Quantity and quality! From simple chrome pieces to colour burners on trains and walls, TRISS seems to never get enough and this book showcases around 1,000 paintings from the years 2013-2022.

Even during the times when painting was the hardest, TRISS continued to spray both trains and walls along Stockholm’s train lines. In the book, you can read his personal thoughts on graffiti, what drives him to continue, and the price he’s had to pay.

The book comes in hardcover and a large format that almost approaches A3 (27 x 35 cm). 184 pages in total and text in English. A must have book on the shelf of all graff-lovers!

Published 2023 by Spraydaily

Additional information

Weight 1550 g
Dimensions 356 × 277 × 20 mm

Spray Daily


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