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Metal Monsters (Hype Magazine) – Reprint

Hype MagazineAUD $35.00

297mm x 210mm (A4 format)
24 Pages
Full Colour

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SKU: HYPE-MM Categories: , , , Tag:


A reprint of iconic METAL MONSTERS train writing magazine by Hype Magazine (mid-90s).


This issue was a serious slap together. We moved to different printers here, however, with this edition, all in landscape, which was a mistake on the printer’s side. However, we have to run with it, with a little updating.

HYPE simply grabbed a large pile of graffiti on train photos, sent to us from all over the globe, and pasted tehm down, on a couple of pieces of card.

This reprint, will be a better than the original print. Why? Because, HYPE has updated the smaller magazine, in size, all in the same reproduction. You had to turn the original different ways up, to look at the pages.

We took the time to tag artist’s Instagram on pages, as best to our ability. Hype hopes a few of you heads appreciate some of your pics back, of your own trains, and collections of others – I know many of u may have lost to raids, ex-girlfriends burning, and all the usual loss of pics.

A great collection of trains over these particular years.

24 pages – all colour – graffiti on train photos. 1991, 1992 , 1994.

Reprinted 2023 by Hype Magazine

Additional information

Weight 120 g
Dimensions 297 × 210 × 3 mm

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